The 1st International Symposium Innovations in Life Sciences
October 10-11, 2019
Belgorod, Russia
Belgorod State National Research University
Oleg Polukhin, Rector of the Belgorod National Research
University, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Chairman, Belgorod,
Russian Federation;
Irina Spichak, Director of the Institute of Pharmacy, Chemistry
and Biology, Belgorod National Research University, Doctor of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Professor, Deputy Chairman, Belgorod, Russian Federation;
Olga Lebedeva, Head of Department of General Chemistry, Institute
of Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biology, Belgorod National Research University,
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Belgorod, Russian Federation;
Ulyana Crut, Deputy Director of the Institute of Pharmacy,
Chemistry and Biology, Belgorod National Research University, PhD,
Biological Sciences, Belgorod, Russian Federation;
Natalya Avtina, Deputy Director of the Institute of Pharmacy,
Chemistry and Biology, Belgorod National Research University, PhD,
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod, Russian Federation;
Ekaterina Zubareva, Deputy Director of the Institute of Pharmacy,
Chemistry and Biology, Belgorod National Research University, PhD,
Biological Sciences, Belgorod, Russian Federation;
Irina Batlutskaya, Head of the Department of Biotechnology and
Microbiology of the Institute of Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biology, Belgorod
National Research University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate
Professor, Belgorod, Russian Federation;
Elena Dumacheva, Head of the Department of Biology, Institute of
Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biology, Belgorod National Research University,
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod, Russian
Elena Zhilyakova, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical
Technology, Institute of Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biology, Belgorod National
Research University, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Belgorod,
Russian Federation;
Nina Myachikova, Head of the Department of Product Technology and
Catering Organization of the Institute of Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biology,
Belgorod National Research University, PhD, Technical Sciences, Associate
Professor, Belgorod, Russian Federation;
Svetlana Kontsevaya, Head of the Center for Innovative Veterinary
Medicine of Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V. Gorin,
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Belgorod, Russian Federation;
Oksana Vorobyeva, Acting Deputy Director of the Institute of
Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biology, Belgorod National Research University, PhD,
Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod, Russian Federation;
Victor Deineka, General Chemistry Department, Belgorod National
Research University, Belgorod, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,
Belgorod, Russian Federation.
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