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Belgorod State University Scientific Bulletin

Address of editorial office: 85 Pobeda St., Belgorod, 308015, Russia, BSU, "Belgorod State University Scientific bulletin"
Founder: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Belgorod National Research University.
Publisher: BSU, Belgorod Publishing House
Russian version

The scientific reviewing journal "Belgorod State University Scientific bulletin" has been published since 1995. The journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). The certificate of registration of mass media is 77-50062 dated May, 29, 2012.

The journal is included into the list of Higher Attestation Commission of the reviewing issues which are recommended for publishing the fundamental scientific results of theses for Doctor and Candidate degrees.

The journal is registered in the Russian Science Citation Index ().

The journal "Belgorod State University Scientific Bulletin" is issued four times a year in the following series:

All submissions for publishing mustad here to all requirements listed in Guide lines for Authors and Contributors. The manuscript completed according to the instructions below must be submitted to Executive Editor for the corresponding series.


  • The statute of journals of Belgorod State National Research University (approved 21.11.2014)
    File: Download
  • International Standard Serial Number (21.07.2009)
    File: Download
  • International Standard Serial Number 29.04.2015)
    File: Download
  • Regulations of Belgorod State University Scientific bulletin  (approved 04.03.2015)
    File: Download

Scedules of Journal issues

  • Schedules of Journal issues in 2016
    File: Download
  • Schedules of Journal issues in 2015
    File: Download
  • Schedules of Journal issues in 2014
    File: Download
  • Schedules of Journal issues in 2013
    File: Download
  • Schedules of Journal issues in 2012
    File: Download
  • Schedules of Journal issues in 2011
    File: Download

The BelSU Scientific Journal Editorial Board

  • Editorin Chief - Oleg N. Polukhin, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Rector of Belgorod State National Research University
  • Deputy Chief Editor - Igor S. Konstantinov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Vice Rector forscientific work and innovation in Belgorod State National Research University
  • Science Editor - Vladimir M. Moskovkin, Doctor of Geographic Sciences
  • Executive Editor - Oksana V. Shevchenko, Candidate of Historical Sciences

Point persons by series

Series "History. Politology"

  • Editorin Chief - Vladimir A. Shapovalov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Phone: +7 4722 301300*2756
  • Deputy Chief Editor - Nikolay N. Bolgov, Doctor of Historical Science, Professor, Phone: +7 4722 301883
  • Deputy Chief Editor - Ivan T. Shatokhin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Docent, Phone: +7 4722 301854
  • Deputy Chief Editor - Vladimir N. Shilov, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Phone: +7 4722 301300 * 2347
  • Executive Editor - Irina G. Onoprienko, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent, Phone: +7 4722 301300*2756
  • E-mail: Ved1_History@bsu.edu.ru, Ved1_PoliticalSc@bsu.edu.ru

Series "Economics. Computer science"

  • Deputy Chief Editor - Evgeny G. Zhilyakov, Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, Phone: +7 4722 301392
  • Deputy Chief Editor - Olga A. Lomovtseva, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Phone: +7 4722 301297
  • Executive Editor - Andrey A. Chernomorets, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Docent, Phone: +7 4722 301356
  • E-mail: Ved1_Economy@bsu.edu.ru, Ved1_Informatics@bsu.edu.ru

Series "Philosophy. Sociology. Law"

  • Editorin Chief - Viktor Rimsky, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Phone: +7 4722 301116
  • Deputy Chief Editor - Valentin Babintsev, Doctor ofPhilosophical Sciences, Professor, Phone: +7 4722 353877
  • Deputy Chief Editor - Evgeny Tonkov, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Phone: +7 4722 301225
  • Executive Editor - Sergey Pocheptsov, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Phone: +7 4722 301300 * 2168
  • E-mail: Ved2_Philosophy@bsu.edu.ru, Ved2_Sociology@bsu.edu.ru, Ved2_Law@bsu.edu.ru

Series "Natural Sciences"

  • Editorin Chief - Alexander Prisny, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Phone: +7 4722 301300 * 2118
  • Executive Editor - Yuri Prisny, Candidate of Biological Sciences
  • E-mail: Ved3_NaturalSc@bsu.edu.ru

Series "Medicine. Pharmacy"

  • Editorin Chief - Vladimir Kulikovsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of BSU Institute of Medicine
  • Deputy Chief Editor - Olga Efremova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Phone: +7 908 7848333, E-mail: doctor_ol@bk.ru
  • Executive Editor - Lyudmila Kamyshnikova, Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • E-mail: Ved4_Medicine@bsu.edu.ru, Ved4_Pharmacy@bsu.edu.ru

Series "Mathematics. Physics"

  • Editorin Chief - Yuri Virchenko, Doctorof Physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor, Phone: +7 4722 301300 * 2819
  • Executive Editor - Mikhail Bekhnazarov, Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Phone: +7 4722301300 * 2816
  • E-mail: Ved5_Mathematics@bsu.edu.ru, Ved5_Physics@bsu.edu.ru

Series "Humanities"

Information was given by Tatiana Voronina 14.05.2015