Dean’s office – 85 Pobeda Street , building №14, room 2-11 Phone: +7 4722 301171, 301170 Fax: +7 4722 301174 Director – Ignatenko Ignat Mikhailovich, Candidate of technical sciences e-mail: |
The Institute of Earth Sciences has begun its history since 1991.
Deputy Director for educational and methodical work – Tatyana A. Polyakova, associate professor of the department of nature management and land cadastre, candidate of geographical sciences,
e-mail:, т. (4722) 30-11-72
Deputy director for scientific – Anastasiy G. Narozhnyaya, associate professor of the department of nature management and land cadastre, candidate of geographical sciences,
e-mail:, т. (4722) 30-11-76
Deputy director for social and educational work – Antonina M. Mitryaykina, associate professor of the department of nature management and land cadastre, candidate of geographical sciences,
e-mail:, т. (4722) 30-13-00 * 21-21
Deputy director for international activities and career guidance work – Ekaterina A. Drozdova, associate professor of the department of geography, geoecology and life safety, candidate of geographical sciences,
e-mail:, т. (4722) 30-13-00 * 20-74
The main educational and scientific structural units of the Institute of Earth Sciences are the departments of:
The structure of the Institute also includes 4 basic departments:
The staff of the Institute of Earth Sciences, December 2022
Scientific divisions in the structure of the Institute:
The Institute has 63 educators, including 13 doctors of sciences, professors, 42 candidates of sciences.
The amount of students on January 1, 2023 is more than 900 people.
The Institute provides education in the following areas:
Bachelor Degree Programs:
Specialist Degree Programs:
Master Degree Programs:
Postgraduate study
Training Courses:
Training ground "Mine"
The main directions of research work of the Institute:
Students of the Institute take active part in research works. Since 2002, the Institute has had the Student scientific society, which serves as an advisory and organizational center for student’s research.
Every year students of the Institute take part in competitions of scientific works on the regional and Federal level, as well as in all-Russian Olympiads. Received in the course of field and cameral work the actual data is used by students for preparing term papers and theses, as well as for reports submitted at all-Russian, regional and intra-University scientific conferences.
Scientific and technical base of the Institute includes specialized laboratories, allowing to lead classes and research at a high level:
The Institute of Earth Sciences has its own library, which fund has more than 3 thousand educational and methodical literature, video library.
On the initiative and with the active participation of A.N. Petina geological and mineralogical Museum of BSU was established. Nowadays it is one of the best in Russia and the best in the Belgorod region.
At the moment, the Museum funds include more than 4.000 samples of minerals, rocks and fossils, many of which are unique. The Museum consists of 9 departments, which are placed in 5 halls.
The main exposition of the Geological and mineralogical Museum
Theoretical training is accompanied by practical exercises, including a fascinating field practice in Crimea, on the Islands Solovetskie, St. Petersburg, in the Caucasus, Altai, Baikal, as well as in the picturesque places of the Belgorod region and the environs of Belgorod (at the recreation center of the NRU «BSU» on the Nezhegol river, in the Botanical garden of the NRU «BSU», State nature reserve «Belogorie», etc.). Also, our students participate in educational practices during the expeditions. Students pass education-productional and scientific-pedagogical practice in research institutions, public and commercial structures.
Sampling of rocks on the educational geological practice in Crimea
In practice in a career in Kuzbass (Kemerovo region)
The Institute expands the boundaries of international cooperation: established scientific and methodological contacts with universities of of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, national academic institutions of Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, as well as with educational institutions abroad: universities of Iowa and Missouri (USA), Liaoning technical University (China).
Since 2015, the Institute has been implementing a joint educational program in the direction of master's training 05.04.06 Ecology and environmental management with the Kazakh national University. al-Farabi, allowing students to get a double degree. With Samarkand State University (Uzbekistan) a similar program 05.04.06 Ecology and Nature Management is also being implemented with get a double degree.
Since 2017, in accordance with the Agreement on the network form of implementation of the educational program between the NRU "BelSU" And the Russian state geological University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze" (MGRI-RSU), with the Agreement on cooperation between MGRI-RSU and Liaoning technical University (China), students of the Institute are trained at Liaoning technical University.
Students from 13 countries study at the Institute of Earth Sciences, 10% of students are foreign citizens. The Department of nature management and land cadastre successfully develops cooperation with colleagues from the United States.
Students of the Institute at the International Conference "Topical issues of sustainable development" Minsk, Belarus
The international scientific conference "Problems of nature management and ecological situation in European Russia and neighboring countries", held by the Institute since 2004, attracts researchers from the USA, Belarus, Uzbekistan and other countries, and has already become a well-known forum for geoecologists. The conference "Geoecology and rational subsoil use: from science to practice" is regularly held for young scientists.
Social and educational work of the Directorate and curators is aimed at increasing the role of student self-government in the organization of weekdays and holidays at the Institute, supporting the initiative and creativity of students, improving the interaction of curators with the asset of academic groups, departments, parents.
Students of The Institute of Earth Sciences are actively involved in University-wide activities; organize the work of their creative associations.
Every year, first-year students are initiated, "The Last bell" and the presentation of diplomas, visits to theater productions, concerts of the Symphony orchestra of the Belgorod state Philharmonic.
Events on September 1, 2022
Special attention is paid to the health of students and improvement of physical culture. The Institute has basketball, volleyball and football teams. Students actively participate in inter-faculty competitions in athletics, table tennis, swimming and other sporting events, where they often take prizes.
Information was given by E. Drozdova 18.01.2023