Professor Oleg Polukhin, Rector of BNRU, met with Dr Branislav Antala, the President of the Fédération internationale d'education physique – Europe (FIEP Europe), to sign a cooperation agreement
The meeting took place in the University's picturesque Round Hall, and was well-attended by management, staff from the Pedagogical Institute and FIEP Europe. Professor Polukhin welcomed Professor Fedor Sobyanin, FIEP Europe's Russian Representative, and guest of honour Dr Antala, who is also a teacher at Comenius University in Bratislava. The Rector hoped that this was the beginning of a friendship between our University and Slovakia's largest University, and went on to talk about the development of physical education and sports at BNRU. He outlined the health campaigns undertaken by the University, and referred to the steady growth of the Physical Education Department, and mentioned the increasing popularity of the 'Prepared for Work and Defence' program aimed at staff as well as students. He said that these claims were substantive, as evidenced by our excellent results in international competitions, where several students and alumni have won Olympic and European medals.
Dr Antala thanked BNRU for his warm reception, and went on to explain FIEP, from its inception in Brussels in 1923 to the present day. 140 countries are now affiliates, and its work is recognised by the IOC and UNESCO. He explained the latest project, known as the 'Kazan Plan', which is a drive to improve and promote the Physical Education around the world. He talked about the publishing arm of FIEP Europe. He expects Scopus and Science Web to include FIEP Europe's magazines 'Physical Activity and Sport' and 'Sport Through the Ages', in their list of scientific journals in the near future. He finished by talking about the organisation's 'New FIEP Leaders' program, which is aimed at promoting leadership through sport for students and postgraduates.
The signing of this agreement moves our University towards the upper realms of academic cooperation, allowing us to participate in UNESCO projects, and opening the door to sharing our research with a broader auditorium. Dr Vladislav Kuchmisty, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, used this occasion as an opportunity to develop ties with Comenius University, which he hopes will bear fruit in the near future. The Rector then showed our guests around the University, and they exchanged gifts.
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