The Russian Bird Conservation Union conducts an annual nationwide census to gather information on wintering waterfowl species and monitor their populations.
This year, students from the student scientific society at the BelSU Institute of Earth Sciences, under the guidance of Lyudmila Usenko, deputy chairperson of the Belgorod branch of the Russian Bird Conservation Union, visited the mouth of the Razumnaya River in the Dorogobuzhino microdistrict. There, they familiarized themselves with the wintering waterfowl and near-water birds native to their region.
Lyudmila Usenko educated the students about various types of waterfowl, highlighting key distinguishing features and explaining the census methodology.
During their observations, the students recorded several endangered species, including the mute swan, mallard, Eurasian coot, great crested grebe, little grebe, and common pochard. They also encountered near-water bird species such as the grey heron and European herring gull.
As Lyudmila Usenko noted, this experience allowed the students, acting as scientific volunteers, to deepen their understanding of the species diversity among waterfowl and near-water birds that inhabit the Belgorod region during the harsh winter months.
All survey forms and photographs collected during the campaign are currently being reviewed by specialists.
‘Waterfowl surveys are essential for gathering data necessary to develop strategies and methods for protecting specific bird species. It is encouraging to see not only conservation specialists but also nature enthusiasts, students, and even schoolchildren actively participating in gathering information vital for the scientific community,’ commented Lyudmila Usenko.
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