Researchers from the BelSU Pedagogical Institute recently unveiled their newly developed game didactic complex, “Ball is Childhood’s Companion,” during a seminar aimed at professionals in the preschool education sector.
The introductory scientific and practical seminar, titled “Content and Focus of the Game Didactic Complex Ball is Childhood’s Companion,” was co-delivered by the BelSU Pedagogical Institute and the Belgorod Institute for Education Development (BelIRO) at Primary School and Kindergarten No. 55. This event marked the beginning of testing an innovative gaming technology, which was collaboratively developed by scientists from BelSU’s Department of Preschool and Special (Defectological) Education, BelIRO staff, and physical education instructors from local preschool institutions. The initiative aims to bridge the gap between pedagogical science and practical application.
The seminar’s presenter and project manager, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Voloshina, highlighted that the didactic complex Ball is Childhood’s Companion is an integral component of a regional innovation platform. This platform is dedicated to developing technologies for Interaction between preschool organizations and families, and aimed at helping children aged 4-7 adapt to stress factors in their social environment.
“The seminar aimed to address several key questions. For instance, how can gaming technology enhance a child’s motor and cognitive activities, foster independence and initiative, and promote social interaction? Additionally, we explored whether ball games could help reduce anxiety and uncertainty, thereby increasing psychological and emotional comfort – an especially crucial aspect in our border region. We also examined the developmental impact of this technology on improving the functional literacy of pre-schoolers and primary school children," Professor Voloshina explained.
During master classes, educators from four Belgorod’s kindergartens explored the potential of innovative gaming technologies in addressing these challenges. They presented various approaches to incorporating balls into didactic and outdoor games, as well as creative tasks and correctional pedagogical activities.
Seminar participants, including experts, heads, and senior educators from educational institutions across Belgorod, provided positive feedback on the developmental, educational, and health benefits of this innovative gaming technology. They recognized its practical applicability within modern educational settings.
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