The team of BelSU has taken part in a basketball international Cup of friendship
On New Year's holidays at the Belgorod law-enforcement college the basketball international Cup of friendship was held. The staff of BelSU Physical Education Department Physical training subdepartment and international basketball team of elective courses on physical culture and sport of the university have participated in the event.
Players of BelSU have the team of the Law Inforcement college at the final stage. In line-up of the BelSU team representatives of Russia, China, Uzbekistan have acted. Rate of a game was set by the captain Matvei Golikov and his teammates: Ilya Zakharov, Bing Li, Anatoly Mukhartov, Ma Jin Huo, Akbar Khasanoff, Iskander Tyukmayev, Dmitry Sabirov.
The result of a match was summed up by the main judiciary board: a draw. All participants have been awarded with diplomas.
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